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Terms & Conditions

Camp ROAR Permission - I permit my child to be present at ROAR Entertainment Center "ROAR", on days when camp is in session, during advertised session hours.  I fully understand and accept that ROAR is not a childcare facility.  I further understand that beyond the general duties of ROAR staff to oversee the games as they would during any other time, that no ROAR staff member will be responsible for your child while they are in the facility.  The ROAR staff’s responsibility will stop and end with checking people in and out of games, ensuring the equipment is working as it should, and monitoring the participants of the games to ensure they are following the rules while they are playing.  When the participants are not playing games, the ROAR staff will not be observing the children for any purpose.  This includes the fact that the ROAR staff will not take responsibility to  ensure that the people whos parents or guardians have dropped off remain inside the facility.  It is solely the responsibility of the parent or guardian of the child to ensure that the child remains inside the facility during their purchased “Session”.


Photography and Audio - I give ROAR and its employees and agents permission to use for any lawful purpose my and/ or the likeness of my child in image, voice and/or appearance as such may be embodied in any pictures, drawings, renderings, photographs, video recordings, audiotapes, digital images or the like, with the understanding that the ROAR will not publish an associated name. I agree that RAOR has complete ownership of such pictures, etc., including but not limited to illustrations, bulletins, exhibitions, videotapes, reprints, reproductions, publications, advertisements and any promotional or educational materials in any medium now known or later developed, including but not limited to the internet, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, social media sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, blogs, etc.), and/or ROAR audio, print or internet publications. I also agree that ROAR has permission to release such pictures, etc. to the news media. I acknowledge that I will not receive any compensation or remuneration for the use of such pictures, etc. I understand that once such pictures, etc. are published to the media or on the internet, or are otherwise published, they may be used in publications and/or on websites outside of ROAR control. If at any time I need to remove photography and audio permission for my child, I understand that ROAR will need written notification. 

Transportation - I understand and agree that I will be solely responsible for my child’s transpiration to and from ROAR camp.  I will take sole responsibility for ensuring that my child gets into the building and exits the building safely and under the supervision of myself or the child’s approved guardian / chaperone.   


Programs Communication - I release and hold harmless ROAR Beverage LLC and their landlord, employees, customers, partners, affiliates, and all otherwise connected parties from any legal claims or liability related to any communications my child receives at Camp via email, web-based communication and phone. 




Personal Items and Damage Assessment - I understand that ROAR is not responsible for any personal items damaged, lost or stolen at our programs. If my child or anyone at the ROAR property causes damage to property belonging to ROAR or another individual due to negligence, misuse or unsanctioned activity or behaviors, ROAR reserves the right to charge a damage repair assessment fee to the parents or guardians of the child who inflicted the damage. 

Force Majeure - The performance of this Agreement by ROAR is subject to act of God, government authority, curtailment of transportation, disaster, widespread illness, including epidemic and pandemic events, and other emergencies, any of which make it illegal, impossible, or commercially impracticable, for ROAR to perform its obligations. It is provided that this Agreement may be terminated by ROAR for any one or more of such reasons by written notice from ROAR to the other party without liability to ROAR. 




I understand policies concerning payment.  There are no refunds; however, ROAR will make every reasonable attempt to relocate your child to another day if space is available.  Payments must be made in advance.   


Cancelations and Refunds - Cancellations with at least 48 hours’ notice may be refunded in the form of a ROAR gift card.  




Accident Insurance - ROAR does not advertise any insurance coverage for camp beyond what is already included in the general liability policy which is currently in effect for this property.  

Medication - ROAR will not administer or provide any medication at any time. Pathogen Exposure - ROAR will not be held liable for any pathogen exposure.

Good Seminarian Clause - I hereby give ROAR staff permission to treat my child with CPR or other measures deemed necessary in case of an emergency.  I will not hold ROAR or any of their affiliates, owners, staff members, or otherwise associated parties liable for any negative outcomes for such measures taken under these circumstances.  




ROAR uses six simple rules to communicate behavior expectations to all participants in our self-guided gaming Summer activity sessions. The purpose of these rules is to ensure the safety of our participants and staff and to create a positive environment for all. These rules are: 

  • Listen and follow directions

  • Do what’s right.

  • Keep your hands, feet and body to yourself.

  • Try everything and do your best.

  • Be an upstander. If you see something, say something.

  • Be safe and have fun!​

​ROAR does not allow the following behaviors including but not limited to:

•    Any action that could threaten the physical or emotional safety of the youth, or staff. Prohibited conduct may include, but is not limited to: abusive jokes, insults, slurs, threats, name calling or intimidation.

•    Destructive behavior.

•    Behavior that is a violation of personal boundaries or is of a habitual nature and negatively impacts the program, and/or safety and enjoyment of others. Behavior that is of a sexual nature.

ROAR Discipline Procedures 

ROAR does not discipline any children at the facility.  If rules are broken, the child may receive one warning and/or the guardian may be asked to remove the child from the premises, depending on the severity of the rule broken.  

Custodial Rights 

Court Orders - If parents are separated or divorced, the parent/ guardian completing this registration must inform ROAR if custodial rights are joint or sole. Only the parent having sole custody as identified in the signature below may make changes.  


ROAR offers inclusive, welcoming programs dedicated to serving those needs in the best way possible. Because every person is unique, we address each request individually. Your/your child's success and safety in our programs are our top priorities; therefore, we respectfully ask you or parents and caregivers to inform RLAR, proper to the start of the program, of any special needs which may require accommodations, so we can work together to support you/ your child in reaching your/ their full potential.  

Waiver Signature and Agreements 

I have read, understand, and agree with all of the policies as stated in this document and I have discussed the expectations of behavior with my child/ ward. I understand that ROAR has the authority to revoke my/my child’s right to participate in ROAR’s programs for bad behavior. The parent/ guardian signing above represents by executing this document that he or she has the full authority to give permission for the minor child to participate in this program and intends unconditionally for ROAR to rely upon this representation for all purposes related to the program.  

Indemnity Waiver Release, Indemnification of all Claims & 

Covenant Not to Sue for Guests, Guardians or Minors 


Assumption of Risk: I, in my personal capacity, or in my legal capacity as the parent/guardian of the minor named below (“Minor”), acknowledge and agree that any use of ROAR’s facilities, services, equipment, and premises (“Facilities”) and any participation in ROAR programs and activities (“Programs”) comes with inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to: (1) personal injury, (2) property damage, (3) disability, (4) death, and (5) sickness or disease. I, voluntarily, for myself and/or Minor, accept and assume full responsibility for these risks. I also, voluntarily, for myself and/or Minor, accept and assume full responsibility for all other risks of Facilities use and Programs participation. For myself and/or Minor, I agree that I know the nature and extent of all such risks. For myself and/or Minor, I am not relying on all such risks being described in this document. Nor am I relying on any ROAR employee, or any other person, communicating them to me. 

I understand that Facilities use and Program participation is voluntary. They can be discontinued at any time. I understand that any activities related to, arising out of, or in connection with, Facilities use and Program participation involve some element of risk. I agree, in my own personal capacity, and in my legal capacity as the parent/Guardian of Minor, that in partial consideration of ROAR making these facilities and programs available, I will not try to hold the ROAR, it’s officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers, insurers, and representatives 

(“Releasees”) liable in damages. This includes damages for any injury or loss to person or property that Minor or I sustain in connection with, arising out of, or related to, the Facilities or Program. I understand that I am hereby releasing ROAR, it’s officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers, insurers, and representatives (Releasees) from any liability for any injury to myself and/or Minor arising in connection with, related to, or arising out of, the Facilities or Programs. I, on my own behalf, and that of Minor, give up any right to take any legal or quasi-legal action against Releasees for any injury. 

Waiver, Release, Indemnification & Covenant Not to Sue In consideration of my own, and/or Minor’s Facilities use and/or Program participation, I, in my personal capacity, or legal capacity as parent/guardian of Minor, agree on behalf of myself and Minor that Releasees will not be liable for any personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, or disease incurred by myself, my family members, dependents, or guests, including Minor, however occurring. This includes, but is not limited to, any personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, 

or disease arising out of, or in connection with, the negligence of Releasees. I understand that Minor and I will be solely responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, or death sustained from my own or Minor’s Facilities use, Program participation, or both. 

I specifically agree, on my own behalf, and in my legal capacity as parent/guardian of Minor, to waive any liability arising out of any actual, alleged, or threatened infectious, pathogenic, toxic, or other harmful properties of any “organic pathogen”. This includes, but is not limited to bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens, whether or not a microorganism. This waiver applies no matter if such “organic pathogen” results from a local, state-wide, national, or global outbreak, epidemic, pandemic, or unknown cause. 

I further agree, on my own behalf, and in my legal capacity as the parent/guardian of Minor, on behalf of Minor, myself, and all legal successors and proxies, to release and HEREBY DO RELEASE, WAIVE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Releasees from any causes of action, claims, suits, liabilities, or demands of any nature. These include, but are in no way limited to, claims of negligence, which Minor, myself, and all legal successors and proxies may have, now or in the future, against Releasees because of personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, disease, or accident of any kind, arising out of, connected with, or in any way related to Facilities use or Programs participation. This release on behalf of minor and me applies however the injury or damage occurs, including, but not limited to, the negligence of Releasees. It will apply whether participation is supervised or unsupervised. 


In further consideration of the use of Facilities and participation in Programs, I, on my own behalf, and, in my legal capacity as parent/guardian of Minor, agree on behalf of myself and Minor to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Releasees from all causes of action, claims, demands, losses, suits, liabilities, or costs of any nature at all. These include, but are not limited to, claims of negligence, arising out of or in any way related to the Minor’s Facilities use, Program participation, or both. 


I further agree, on behalf of myself, and in my legal capacity as parent/guardian of Minor, and all legal successors and proxies, to release and HEREBY DO RELEASE, WAIVE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Releasees from any causes of action, claims, suits, liabilities, or demands of any nature. These include, but are not limited to claims of negligence, which I, Minor, and all legal successors and proxies may have, now or in the future, against Releasees because of personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, diseases, or accident of any kind, arising out of or in any way related Facilities use or Programs participation. I agree that this release, waiver, and covenant not to sue applies however the injury or damage occurs. It includes, but is not limited to the negligence of Releasees. I further agree that it applies whether participation is supervised or unsupervised .

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